Five Tools To Give Wooden Projects A Beautiful Finish

Woodwork is a very in-depth profession, and you can learn a lot of things about even the most specific of tasks or methods in working your wood. You will need certain tools depending on the type of project you are working on. Sometimes, it can be difficult to complete the project without these tools. You will end up with unfinished work, even if you have the right tools. To prevent that, here are five tools that youll definitely want to have to ensure your projects start and finish smoothly.


Digital caliper

Although a digital caliper is not intended for final projects, they are great for keeping things in order from the beginning. A woodworker of any skill level knows that accurate measurements are crucial to creating a quality product. Even the smallest mistakes can be costly. You may end up with a huge error due to a single mistake when measuring the wood during your first steps.

You can rely on more that your sight to prevent any errors. With digital tools such as digital calipers, you can rely on technology instead. While it may feel like it takes away some of the skill expression that comes with experience in woodworking, itll help both novices and veterans alike make more accurate measurements in the long run.


Sandpaper is something that you use in many projects, but some newer woodworkers take it for granted. You can sand the wood to smoothen it, but that’s not all. You don’t have to sand the wood just for finishing touches. Sandpaper can also be used during other phases of your project. It is important to know when sandpaper can be useful for your project. This will help novice woodworkers distinguish themselves from professionals.


Varnish isnt a tool, but its something that can definitely add a layer of finish to many wooden projects. It is easy to use and leaves a glossy coating that protects the wood over time. Varnish isnt a one-size-fits-all solution, however. It may be a good idea to use other finishing methods instead of varnish in certain situations. It all comes down to knowing the right time to use which tool or material.

Wood Jointer

Wood jointers can be very helpful when you are working with joints in wooden projects. They flatten wooden boards and prepare them for you, giving you the ideal surface for carrying out your projects. Wood jointers are comparatively expensive, and while theyre a nice addition to have for any woodworker, theyre a sizable investment.

If you do think that a wood jointer would help with your current workload, then be sure to carefully pick the right one for your needs. Wood jointers can support larger boards, while others are more affordable. Knowing your budget and your specific needs will help you narrow down your choices quickly and easily.


Finally, there’s paint. You can’t go wrong when you use paint to finish your wooden projects. There are many options for painting and many paint types to choose from. You can experiment with your prototypes to find the one that suits you best.